A part - time job is a good way of spending one's spare time as well as earning some extra money. Many people who take of part- time jobs do so to supplement their insufficient normal income. In this age of inflation and rising costs, this insufficiency is not surprising. Others may do part- time work because they love that particular kind of work. yet others may have dreams of making it big. Whatever the reasons, part-time jobs are available to those who care to take them.
Part-time jobs can be lucrative. Companies that deal with direct sales employ a lot of part-timers. They may be teachers, students, labourers or any anyone who have the time, energy and drive to go around pushing the products. These direct sales organizations sell mainly consumer product like cosmetics, toiletries casual wears and others. The employees are paid a commission for the amount of the goods sold. The more a person sells, the greater the financial reward he will get.
Selling insurance is another popular part-time job. Anyone with a fast tongue and an amiable personality will do well in this venture. it is just like selling any other ordinary product. Instead of solid products, the customer is given a promise of security for the future. It is not easy to convince a person to part with his money for such as intangible thing as security, but persistence helps. I have a friend who has sold many life-insurance policies, all done during the school holidays. It demanded great effort and sacrifices on his part but I suppose he is more then compensated for his troubles.
Not everyone has this 'gift of the gab'. There are people who are terrible shy and can hardly converse with a stronger without blushing. For such a person, selling is not the job. He would he better off doing a job that demands the minimum of interaction with strangers.
Working as a temporary clerk would be suitable for an introvert. There are such jobs available almost daily. All one has to do is to refer to the classified Section of the newspaper to find them.