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Showing posts from August, 2021

Part- Time Jobs

 A part - time job is a good way of spending one's spare time as well as earning some extra money. Many people who take of part- time jobs do so to supplement their insufficient normal income. In this age of inflation and rising costs, this insufficiency is not surprising. Others may do part- time work because they love that particular kind of work. yet others may have dreams of making it big. Whatever the reasons, part-time jobs are available to those who care to take them.                                                                                                   Part-time jobs can be lucrative. Companies that deal with direct sales employ a lot of part-timers. They may be teachers, students, labourers or any anyone who have the time, energy and drive to go around pushing the products. These direct sales organizations sell mainly consumer product like cosmetics, toiletries casual wears and others. The employees are paid a commission for the amount of the goods sold. The mor

My Favourite Game

    My Favourite game is Cricket. I not only enjoy playing this game but also love watching it. It is my favourite game. We play cricket in our school also. I am in our school team and I really enjoy playing for our school. I open inning for our school's team. I like aspects of the game - batting, fielding and bowling. I especially like taking catches and diving to stop the boundaries during fielding. I bowl sometimes. But it is batting that I enjoy the most. I am also the vice-captain of the school team. in the last inter-school tournament, our school had grabbed the trophy and I had contributed 58 runs to my school team's score.   Our coach too is very hardworking. We practice everyday from 6 a.m to 8 a.m in the morning and 4 p.m to 5 p.m in the evening. We first warm up by taking a few rounds of our ground, then we do a few stretching and fitness exercise. Then we practice as per our turns - fielding, batting or bowling. I also enjoy watching the game whenever there is a

My Hobby

 We all do some kind of work either to earn our livelihood or to make a career. Hobby is something which we enjoy doing, an activity we like including ourselves in during our leisure or free time. we all have our likes and dislikes. we enjoy doing certain things more then others. A hobby gives us pleasure, for we do it for the love of the work and not under compulsion to earn. Thus, it is more fulfilling and gives us more satisfaction and joy. Pursuing  a hobby also increases one's efficiency interest and ability. it gives one an opportunity to fully develop various aspects of one's personality. Hobbies like collecting stamps, listening music, drawing, gardening, playing an indoor or outdoor sport, writing, reading, bird watching, collecting antiques, photography etc, are very educative. We learn many things with practical insights which we cannot learn from schools. One of my favourite pastime, something that I enjoy doing is gardening. I like the joy of beholding a blooming g

The Indian Farmer

        The real India resides in its villages. About 70% of India's population lives in rural areas and earns its livelihood there. The major occupation lives of these people is agriculture. 90%  of this rural population is dependent upon farming for their livelihood. Thus, Indian economy is totally an agrarian one. It is the Indian farmer who reaps his motherland with his sweat and blood to get us a day's meal.     A typical Indian farmer's life is full of trials and tribulations. He leads a very hard life fighting against the ravages of nature and weather. He is an extremely hard working man - begins working from early morning, even before daybreak till late in the evening, sometimes even after the sun has set. He works incessantly all day long without resting except for an hours or so when he takes him humble lunch. He goes to the field early in the morning with his cattle when the rest of the world is sleeping comfortably in their warm beds. He rarely car

75th Independence day celebrations

      India was ruled by the Britishers for many years. The East India Company ruled India for about 100 years. It was in 1757 when the East India Company won the battle of Plassey. It was after the win went the Company started exerting power over India. Our nation had its rebellion against the foreign rule for the first time in 1957. The entire country united against British power. It was an unfortunate event as India was defeated back then but after that time. Indian rule was then passed to the British who ruled our country till India got its independence. Our nation faced a long campaign to gain independence. Britain then began to weaken after two world wars and India was finally free. India's freedom struggle has always been an inspiration to the work as it was the most non-violent campaign in the world.            It is the 75th Indian Independence Day this year which means India has achieved 74 years of freedom. We as Indians pay respect to all the leaders who fo

Science and Technology

                                                        Science and technology is the ultimate need of an hour that changing the overall perspective of the human towards life. Over the centuries, there have been new inventions towards the field of science and technology that helps in modernizing. Right from connecting with people to using digital products, everything involves science and technology. In other words, it has made life easy and simple. Moreover, humans now have to live a simple life. There is modern equipment explored by tech experts to find something new for the future. Science and technology have now expanded its wings to medical, education, manufacturing and other areas. Moreover, they are not limited to cities, but also rural areas for educational purposes. Every day new technologies keep coming making life easier and comfortable. Brief about Science   Throughout history, science has come a long way. The evolution of the person is the contribution to science. Scienc