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Showing posts from January, 2021

Photography : Just a Click Away!

  Photographer__ ABhaya About a century ago, photography was invented. In those early days, only simple box-cameras were available to take simple black and white picture. Photographic techniques and equipments have come a long way since then. Exploding flash guns have progressed to compact electronic flash unit, box- cameras to sophisticated computerized reflex cameras, stills to movies, black and white to full glorious colours and part-time dabblers to highly paid professionals.      In almost every sphere of human activity nowadays, photography has now come to play a very significant role.     Photography as a hobby is perhaps the most popular of all its user. Cameras and films are now cheap and easy to use. 'Instamatic' cameras have largely eliminated the hit-or-miss techniques of yesteryears. Any body with a pair of eyes and hands can take reasonably good pictures.  We see amateur photographers all over the place, especially in holiday reports and recreations areas. Tourist


CHARACTER CERTIFICATE  This is certify that Abhaya Kumar Pandey , S/o- ....................  resident of Village ............................., P.o- ....................., District- ...................... is known to me for last three years. Sri ......................... bears good moral character and to the best of my knowledge is not involve in any criminal activity and no personal legal case in pending against him/her.         Date:-                                                         (Signature with seal)    

Role of Computers in Education

 Computerization in every field is the order of the day. No one had imagined that computers in the forthcoming years would play such a decisive role in technology. No aspect of life has been left untouched by computers. They have invaded our professional lives, our homes, our medical facilities, our entertainment modes etc. Thus besides being educated, it has become extremely necessary to be computer -literate in order to survive. Hence, education too has been reformed and revolutionized to suit the need of time. It is necessary that a child learns computer as normally as he studies other subjects. Thus, from a primary and now even from the kindergarten level, computers have become an indispensable part of educations.  The government is keen on spreading computer education. Computers have been introduced compulsorily from the middle level classes. In bigger cities, children are introduced to computer even before they are taught alphabet. Computers help to being in hands- on experience

Medical Certificate Format

. MEDICAL CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS . I have examined Shri / Kumari / Smt. _____________________________________ Son   /   Daughter of Sri _______________________________________________   aged _______________ Years, of village : _______________________________________ P.O. ____________________________________________P.S__________________________ Dist._______________________State __________________Pin _________________and certify that, he / she is free from deafness, defective vision (including colour vision) or any other infirmity, mental or physical, likely to interfere with the efficiency of his / her work and found him / her possessing good health. This certificate is being given to him / her for the purpose of _____________________________________       Signature of Candidate (To be signed in presence of the Medical Officer)                                                          Signature of Medical Officer : _____________________